About us


Started by Trent Allison, Anthony Starbuck, and Tyler Crosby. Flagship Solar has been built off a set of core values that create the most reliable and trustworthy company to fulfill your homes renewable energy needs. We have managed to throw together a hard working team that believes in your right to own your own power and put your satisfaction above all else.


Solar is a state-of-the-art technology that allows us to harness the energy of the sun and convert it to power for your home. With the continual rise in utility prices solar has provided an alternative route that allows homeowners to take control of their power bills. With solar you will lock into a fixed flat-rate payment making paying for your power easier than ever.”

Trent Allison

Anthony Starbuck

Tyler Crosby

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The Process

  • Custom Proposal

    All we need from you is your most recent utility bill, a good email, and your phone number to generate a custom proposal catered to your consumption needs. No proposals at Flagship are ever cookie cutter.

  • Site Survey

    After you’ve made the decision to go solar, we will send a technician out to your house to make sure your house qualifies structurally and electrically for solar.

  • Final Design Confirmation

    Once your home is qualified for solar, we will create a final CAD design, this design will be sent to you for final confirmation.

  • Permit Approval

    After you’ve confirmed your design, we will pull your permit from either your city or county depending on what jurisdiction you’re in.

  • Install & Inspection

    After your permit is acquired we will schedule an install date. Once your solar is installed we will schedule an inspector to make sure your system is buttoned up and up to code.

  • Permission to Opperate

    PTO is the final step to fully being switched to solar! This process takes 1-2 weeks after we submit to your utility company.